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May 16th 2001
All the submissions are in and the voting page is up. Voting will run until the 1st of June, in the meantime we've got new guideline words for the next base doll competition. Because our new base doll fell through and because we only have 3 entries for the wardrobe competition for Alexis, we'll be extending her till next month. I may release the entries recieved so far to try to inspire folks to submit more entries. One last thing, I'm going to try to get the large version of Sue posted later today. My web hosts and net connection at home are giving me all sorts of problems.

6:25AM I'm going clear out the current votes and shut down voting until I can get the full version of Sue posted. That was a little unfair to Dov and I apologize.

7:45AM Ok, it's not pretty but at least it works. You should be able to download all the entries without error now. Those of you who have voted already, please do so again. Thanks for your patience everyone, we'll get this figured out.
-Lord Don

May 11th 2001
It's getting pretty close to the deadline for our first month. If you're unsure whether your entry will be eligible with all the rule changes be sure to get it to me before the deadline. I'll either give it the thumbs up or have you change any aspects of the entry that may fall outside the rules. We'll keep things easy going for the most part because I'm still figuring out the contest myself. Thanks for sticking with it!
-Lord Don

May 2nd 2001
I'm sure the rule change I'm about to make will be very unpopular but will provide me some piece of mind. If you're submitting a doll that includes nudity, I ask that you also include a cnf and set of cels for an all ages version of that doll. These cels can either be modified to have 'painted-on' underwear or 'barbie style' nudity (there isn't underwear and the doll is completely flesh colored but there are no genitalia or nipples on female dolls). This will give people who prefer not to play with sets that contain nudity a chance to participate. It will also make the contest all ages, which is a positive thing in my opinion. In addition to this new rule there have been some other tweaks to rules so be sure to note the changes on the rules page. I apologize for all these changes but I knew the rules would need to evolve as the contest went on because of the complex nature of Kisekae. Thanks for your continued support and patience!
-Lord Don

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