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About the MKC

The Monthly Kisekae contest is like a monthly art competition in the vein of MAG, MOB, and others like them. But it has the added bonus of also being part of a collaborative Kiss set. I've done one so far and was very impressed with the wide range of outfits created for the single base doll.

There are two different competitions you can take part in. It's not mandatory to do one or the other. If you don't like the guideline words for the base doll this month then you can just work on a wardrobe for the current wardrobe competition. Or you can enter both, there's no restriction.

The way the Base Doll competition works is you will be given up to 5 words as guidelines for the creation of your base doll. You must incorporate each of the words into your design. We're doing this in lieu of just posting a picture for everyone to draw from because there should be a wider variety of dolls created to choose from rather than just 20 clones of the same character. You will have one month to complete the doll and any fkiss effects you want to create for it. On the 15th of the next month all submissions will be posted for a vote. The voting period will go until the end of the month and the submission with the highest total of votes is the winner. The winner then has the opportunity to provide the guideline words for the next month's base doll competition. In addition, the winning base doll will also then be used for next month's wardrobe competition.

On to the Wardrobe competition! You will be creating a single wardrobe set for last month's Base Doll competition winner. You can include backgrounds, multiple sets of clothing, any fkiss toys and effects you want to include... the only limit is your imagination. (well that and the limitations of FKiSS and the palette of the base doll) You have a month to complete your wardrobe entry. On the 15th of the following month all the entries will be posted for a vote. There are two different categories a wardrobe entry can win for and 5 will be picked from each. The artistic category is for the most asthetically pleasing entries and the most creative/quirky/original category gives those who like to experiment and expand the boundaries of kiss a chance to show off their ideas. This time the top 10 highest voted entries will be included in a final doll to be posted on the site.

If you have any suggestions for ways you think the competition could run better or ideas for themes for the competition pass them along!

Return to the main page Rules of the Competition Links to Tutorials on how to create Kiss Dolls Message Board where you can chat with other Kisekae Artists Links to Submitting Artists Past Dolls and Old News
