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[MKC - Monthly Kisekae Contest]

What is the MKC?

Wardrobe Base Doll
Alexis Mond Silicon Sue Apocalypse
Alexis Mond
Completed Set Soon
Non-Winning Subs
Silicon Sue
Wardrobe Submissions
Due July 15th
The panel is deciding
next month's base doll
Base Doll Submissions
Due July 15th
Send submissions to

KiSS viewer required
They can be found for most computing platforms here

July 26th 2001
I should've posted this a lot sooner but things have been crazy lately. Due to lack of enthusiasm on my part I've decided to close the MKC down. I would love it if someone wanted to take over and run it but I can no longer take the time for it. I want to express thanks for those that did enter, there were some incredible dolls and wardrobe entries. Thanks Tasha, Dov, Tea, Cal, Cutter and Osmosis. You showed what the site could potentially become. I will put together the entries received and post them on my personal site for download. I will also post any dolls that were labeled as templates. Thanks again to everyone who participated.
-Lord Don

June 18th 2001
The winner for May's Base Doll competition is Silicon Sue! If you have difficulty creating a wardrobe for her please leave any questions on the messageboard, we would love to help. Dov has also given us the next set of guideline words; it should be interesting to see what kind of submissions we get this month.
I'll also post the first completed MKC set (Alexis) shortly. It's not a HUGE set with only 4 wardrobe entries but what it lacks in size it makes up for in quality.
-Lord Don

June 15th 2001
Well I continue to fall to the mercy of the 'net. We seem to be doing ok for now though and I even seem to be able to host larger files here on Tripod. I'm going to postpone the update until Monday so those of you who have been holding off and still have an itch to submit something, you've got all weekend. I appreciate everyone's hard work and look forward to all submissions!
-Lord Don

June 1st 2001
I'm still waiting for votes from a couple panel members and then I should be able to update the page.
-Lord Don

May 18th 2001
As you can see the voting page has been removed. I hold no ill will toward any of the artists involved, it's just better this way. The vision behind the page was lost in the contest portion of the site so we're shifting gears a bit. I will be appointing a panel to decide on the base doll each month from the submissions we recieve and that is the one that everyone will have an opportunity to make a wardrobe for. The wardrobe will not be judged, it will be divided up into expansions sets and will be in the order of when it was recieved. The most important part of this page is to see us all sharing art and I hope these rule changes forward this.
-Lord Don

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copyright © 2001 Jeremy Putnam
Problems or suggestions go to Lord Don