On this page I'll post links of tutorials that will help you get started if you've never made a Kisekae doll before. I'm not even going to try to put up my own as there are many more out there that do a much better job than I could ever pretend to do. My best suggestion is to jump right in and start getting your hands dirty. When you run into problems (and you WILL run into problems) there is a whole wonderful community of Kiss artists willing to help you out, from the message boards to the mailing lists.
- Zorro's Fkiss Tutorial - This is a fairly old but very well done tutorial. It's pretty all inclusive in terms of talking about palettes and alignment of cels.
- Otakuworld - Not a tutorial in and of itself but it has a ton of links to other's tutorials as well as text files and tools needed for the creation of Kisekae dolls. I started here with Dov's tutorial and it was very useful.
- PlayFKiSS Homepage - Chad Randall is the author of the PlayFKiSS viewer and a great asset to the Kisekae community. He has docs on his page with all the fkiss commands and their uses. Another useful site in my experience with FKiSS.
- Lonejack Posting Board - The best place to ask a question if you run into a snag. Most of the experienced and prominent Kiss artists frequent this board and are always happy to answer questions from fledgling artists.
- The Invisible KiSS Links - The absolute largest list of Kiss links I've come across. The Invisible Phan has got a wealth of information on this page. It has links to many kiss artist's homepages as well as tutorials and anything else kiss related. With this site at your disposal you should be able to find an answer to any question you come up with.
- KiSS Tutorial Links - Some of the links are broken on this page but it still has many that work for a wide range of platforms and systems.
If you have any additional links you think would be useful pass them along!
Much thanks to King In Yellow for permission to post these tutorial sets.